Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Wednesday Weekday Update [3.4.15]

After my racing this weekend, I've been given a sore throat and a run down body the past few days (#bummer), and so I've been doing a whole lot of Gilmore Girl watching. Rory just got to college, if you wanted to know.

Here's some other things you should totally know:

1// Manning is almost  BACK! And that makes me wanna do this:

Any reason to see Peyton dance, right?

2// THIS is a great yoga workout. Especially for runners. Runners do love their yoga.

3// They've chosen a GASTON for the live action "Beauty and the Beast". It's not nearly as exciting as Emma Watson being Belle - but he's pretty handsome, and I approve!

4// I found my new favorite Twitter account, Brooding YA Hero! Go follow, now!

5// I might have bought two new pairs of running shoes today.

My shoe closet is going to be 90% running/athletic shoes one day. And I'm totally okay with that.

Stay dry and warm, my friends!

- C

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