Monday, February 16, 2015

A Valentine's Post.

I hope you all had a fantastic Valentine's Day! I didn't get the chance to hang with the boy for Valentine's Day (boo work!), but I got to spend the day with some of my favorite people! Lucky me!

The first part of the day started with 14 miles and this girl:

Yes, you heard that right - fourteen! We're currently training for an April marathon, and we did Dara's first fourteen miler. It was a great start to the day (minus being totally worn out), and Dara did a fantastic job! You are so awesome girl!

The second part of the day was seeing "Charlotte's Web" with the three littles and my parents! Every year my parents bring the kiddos up to my neck of the woods, and we see a children's play for the two older ones birthday.

Princess R got a cool light up butterfly! 
Doesn't she look darling? :)

Baby S got a new dress on the way up to my house! 

The kiddos and grandma!

Daddy, baby S and I.

The small goofball and his light up spider!

Baby S did not make it all the way through the play - so sweet!

S Man and Princess R got to meet some of the characters and got autographs.
 S Man and Wilbur! 

S Man  with the sheep. They're both "baaaa"-ing. It was cute!

S Man and Templeton, the rat.

Waiting in line and this is Princess R's "scary" face!

Grandma's "scary" face. Clearly she doesn't think I'm as funny as I really am.

And S Man's "scary face"..waiting in line for autographs made us go crazy - apparently!

And finally - with Charlotte! 

The final part of my Valentine's consisted of a sleepover with one of my favorite people, AB! We've been friends since freshman year when we pledged the same sorority together. 

She's the best.

I didn't get to spend Valentine's Day with the boy, but yesterday I went to check on him (he's sick..booo!) and we exchanged Valentine's gifts.

I've been talking about getting a bulldog puppy for..ever - and we decided it probably isn't a good idea to get a dog right now, but man friend is still the sweetest and bought me a stuffed puppy :) His name is Winston and he has the grumpiest/cutest little face!

It was a great day two days!
There's so much love in my life, and I'm very thankful.

Sending out all kinds of love,

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